Adoption day

Adoption day

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Test!

I have Bible study on Wednesday mornings, but since we are already out and about we sometimes run errands afterwards. Today I learned that a great test to see if I'm applying my Bible study or not is to take my kids shoe shopping.
Let's see I had my patience tested a trillion times as my children changed their minds about shoes and of course whatever style they just had to have, well wouldn't you know it their size was not available. I had to be gentle when dragging Bounce to the bathroom for the third time in just 30 minutes. It seemed as if his bladder decided that after only two pairs of shoes were tried on it was going to burst. I had to be kind in telling Ketchup that her feet were getting bigger and she can't even wear shoes that I would think most little girls her age are wearing. She has completely outgrown all the toddler shoes. Is this normal?
Oh well. At least I had many opportunities for testing in such a short time period - count it all joy right!

By the way - another test lies tomorrow. 3 important items have gone MIA in our house the last couple of days: my AMEX card, Ketchup's blankie and just one of her slippers. So tomorrow is turn the house upside down day. Hopefully I'll have a good report tomorrow night!

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