Adoption day

Adoption day

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Our museum

Yesterday Ketchup was drawing on the white board and asked me how she could put her artwork in a museum. She was disappointed when I explained that you have to be asked by the museum, but then I suggested she could make her own museum somewhere in the house. This idea was the hit of the year! Both kids plotted and planned how to organize their museum and what they would put in it.
They never want to sleep together, but last night they wanted to so that they could wake each other up early to open their museum bright and early in the morning. After one hour of talking, I had them go to their own beds to get some rest. Ketchup explained that they were only talking about the museum, so I should have let them stay in the same bed. I told her that if she didn't go to sleep, she wouldn't be able to wake up in the morning to open the museum. Minutes later, both kids were asleep.
I should have gone straight to sleep, too because they were both up bright and early this morning moving their "art" into the room. (By the way, Ketchup kept telling Bounce as he was doing his art that "It's OK to scribble-scrabble because it's just art.")
The big moment finally arrived, and I was invited to be the first guest at the museum. They each had a picture (Bounce-first pic & Ketchup-second), and they had Sandman there to be a sculpture to show what "bones really feel like." This was by far my most memorable trip to a museum. Hope you enjoy the pics.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Our newest soccer player

The kids are busy playing, so I thought I'd steal a few moments to update our blog. Bounce is now a soccer player too. He is on the Pirates soccer team and he thinks that is pretty cool. He had his first practice on Monday and was tired and eager to stop, but he got a second wind when he got to play "Star Wars" (a soccer drill in disguise). After practice I asked him what his favorite part was and he said it was getting the goodie bag filled w/ candy at the end of practice. That's my boy-the reward at the end is the best part!
He was so tired that whenever he wasn't doing anything, he was the first one to sit on his ball. He's got that skill down really well! The Pirates actually have 2 games this Sat., so we'll see if our little Bounce has enough energy to keep up or not.

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Last week we studied transportation, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to take a field trip using public transportation. We took the lite rail to the train to the bus which ultimately took us to the Fort Worth Stock Show. The kids had a lot of fun riding the trains and bus and Mommy and Daddy actually enjoyed relaxing for a while instead of fighting traffic. The relaxing was quickly replaced by a lesson in patience. A trip that normally would have taken a little over an hour took 3 hours. That's right - 3 hours of public transportation and that is just one way. Needless to say we only spent a few hours at the stock show. We still were able to see a baby chick hatching from its egg among numerous other animals.
The kids did have fun and I was sure glad when we finally made it back to our van, put the kids in their reclined seats and drive off on my own schedule as the kids quickly fell asleep. Ahhh-that is relaxation!
Speaking of the van, we were in a car accident yesterday and thank God are all fine. My airbag deployed, so we need to have the van put in the shop. We picked up our rental van last night and as soon as I pulled out of the parking lot, Bounce started saying "Don't bump, don't bump." He was worried I was going to "bump" into another car with our "new van."
All in all we have had several lessons in transportation over the past week and I am glad to be sitting at home not having to use ANY transportation at this moment!