Adoption day

Adoption day

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Things heard around our house this week

During school:
1. A song about metamorphosis that I made up so the kids could remember the word.
2. Lots and lots of frog stories (The Frog and Toad books are their favorite).
3. Weird facts about frogs like only the males make noise and the females have smaller ears.

During chore time: On sheet day (the day I wash the sheets on the beds), Bounce and Ketchup ran up to me and he asked, "Can we serve you by doing your bed?"
What a sweet kids to know they are serving and not just doing to do things.

During meal time: We watch the squirrels every day as we're eating and on Friday two squirrels began to mate. I nervously waited to see what would be said or what would happen next. Ketchup said, "Look, it's a piggyback ride." Then the female squirrel would have none of it and they started wrestling. Bounce after watching them for a few minutes rolling around and wrestling said "I wish I was a squirrel."

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our First Week of School

We finished our first week of school on Friday. In theory, Ketchup is in kindergarten and Bounce is in preschool. We studied clocks to start off the year with the theme of using time wisely. We had fun making our own sundial and pendulum and I had great pictures to show off, but I can't find the usb connector for the camera. I thought I had checked everything off the I haven't found it yet list. Oh well.
The kids enjoyed their first week. Ketchup had her first spelling test and aced it. Bounce will have his first letter test this coming week, so he has that to look forward to.
We also had our first soccer games of the season. We pretty much picked up where we left off last season. Ketchup scored 5 goals and Bounce was good to want to play in the second half since most of the boys were tired (it was hot). His poor little team just becomes timid on field although they pretty much matched up in size with their opponent. He said he had fun though, so it was a success for him.
The kids were disappointed we couldn't do school this weekend as they're excited to learn about frogs as our next theme. I better go get my plans for the week ready. Hopefully I'll have some fun frog facts in the next post (and some clock pictures as well).

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

We're IN!!!!!

I wanted to title this post - Moving in - AKA - world record number of Walmart trips in one week topped off with another trip to Lowe's/Home Depot.
Finally I have a chance to update the blog. We are in our new house and the picture of Kailee from the previous post is how I feel today. I have about 5 more boxes to unpack- hooray! It is starting to feel like home and I even was able to put up a few things on the wall yesterday.

Highlights of our new home:
Seeing the kids squeal with delight as we watched a squirrel during breakfast.
Playing hide and seek and finding really cool hiding spots.
Kids taking a "short-cut" to get to other rooms of the house. Our old house was like a box with one hallway; this house has options.
Bella, the dog, chasing squirrels in the backyard.
Being able to cook and eat dinner last night after soccer practice because our drive home took 15 minutes instead of 45 minutes!

The kids have discovered me (see it's easy to get lost in this house) and are now asking for things; gotta go for now!