Adoption day

Adoption day

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rainbow Brite

I can't believe it's been that long since I posted last. Anyways, I think we might have to change Ketchup's name to Rainbow Brite. She thinks that she has to have every color in one outfit. I mainly let her get away with this at home or for bed, but if you ever see us out and wonder what was I thinking letting her dress so ridiculously, well I just couldn't break her little stylin' heart. The other night she was so proud of her purple pants, yellow long sleeve shirt with a pink nightgown on top. She was excited she had so many colors in one outfit.
Tonight she started soccer practice again. I bundled her up and then Bounce and I sat in the van and watched. It was so cold outside, but she said she didn't feel it because she kept all of her clothes on. This time I was the one who dressed her up in countless layers of various rainbow colors, not for style but for warmth. No wonder the poor girl is so confused why mommy lets her wear these rainbow brite outfits one day and not the next.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thank God!

Way back in the '80's Amy Grant had this song that I would listen to . I can't even remember what the name is or even the exact wording of the verse, but in the song she sings that she is not aware of how she has been protected while driving. She alludes to God keeping from her a dangerous accident that she had no idea she even avoided.
Today we almost had one of those near accidents. We have been learning about the letter "P" for pillow and reading different bedtime stories, poems, and legends, etc. Our project for the week was to make pillows (the no-sew fleece type). I was sitting on the floor today working on cutting the fleece and just as I brought up my scissors to start cutting another strip, Bounce jumps falls head first on me so that I can hold him. The scissors hit him right in head. He cried out of pain, I wanted to cry out of horror and then when I saw he was OK (I really thought he was stabbed in the eye) , I wanted to cry out of thanksgiving because he barely has a scratch on his forehead.
Less than 2 inches and what a different story it would be. I am so thankful that God already knew what would happen and protected his little eye.
So now whenever I look at his pillow, I will be thankful for God's protection.
btw...I think the song is "Angels watching over me"

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Fat Glove

We've been studying winter and snow this week although the kids are probably wondering if snow really exists since we hardly ever see any around here. Today we did this cool experiment to illustrate how the layer of fat in arctic animals protects them from the cold. We put shortening in between two zip-lock bags to make a "glove of fat." We then put our hands in the glove and submerged it in ice water. It was incredible how insulated our hands were. Too bad that my "body glove" is not that useful.
Then tonight as I was driving home (and thinking way too much due to forgetting to say decaf on my starbucks order at 8pm) I realized that the verse I wrote down this week to memorize reminded me of the glove. Romans 13:14 says "but put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires." I know I am supposed to put on Christ, but I hadn't really thought about that protecting me, but much like that glove, when I am clothed in Him and making no provision for my flesh to take over, then I am protected from getting into some really treacherous sinful situations.
So I now understand polar bears and this verse a lot better. Just thought I'd share.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Reality Check

Sat. night I had the great opportunity to go to a Christian rock concert with two friends. We had fantastic 2nd row seats and a great time. The band was Leeland if you're interested; they're great. We were probably the only ones in there (besides the band's parents) over the age of 25. We felt pretty cool; we're hip for our age right?
The reality check came Sunday night as I was pulling coupons out of the newspapers. I was so excited that there were 6 coupon inserts in this weeks paper and then I had 4 papers. That is a lot of coupons. Then I started to think that I must be so NOT COOL to be this excited about coupons. Oh well.
If you are interested in starting to use coupons, this week's paper is a great starting point. I also recommend the Grocery Game because it makes it so easy to do.
At least this uncool mom will be saving us some serious money (free peanut butter and soap)!