Adoption day

Adoption day

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Ketchup!

Six years ago today, little Ketchup was born. She was a beautiful little baby and I was amazed as I held her that this tiny person was my child that I was responsible for. Reality hit the second night in the hospital when she screamed the entire night. There were many times that night that I wished I could have given her back, but six years later, I am so thankful that God has blessed our family with her. She is caring and sincere and has a laugh that is so contagious. Her is a walk down memory lane....

Monday, November 24, 2008


Bounce has been a little perturbed at the attention given to Christmas despite not even celebrating Thanksgiving. Today we were setting up our Christmas tree and the characters on the kids show he was watching were talking about Thanksgiving to which he excitedly yelled out "Finally, somebody is celebrating Thanksgiving instead of just Christmas."
We are thankful for many things this year and since we'll probably be out of touch for the next couple weeks (Thanksgiving in AZ and our Disneyland trip!!), I thought I would focus on Thanksgiving for this post- before I start stringing the lights on the Christmas tree!

We are especially thankful for God blessing us with the sale of our house and purchase of our current house. We feel so at home in our new house. We have so much more time to enjoy instead of spending it in traffic and feel so less rushed as we are much closer to everything (except God :-)).
We are also thankful for God's blessings despite the economy. When you see so many people hurting and struggling, we are so grateful for all that we have been blessed with.
We are thankful for our healthy kids, fantastic family and friends and the freedom to learn about God and His world as we homeschool.
We are thankful for Christ for "of Him and through Him" are all things!!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Off the wall

We celebrated Bounce's birthday by going to one of those big pizza/game places. As Ketchup and I were crashing into each other on the bumper cars, Daddy and Bounce were losing money fast on all the games. Then they got to the "Big Bass" game and Bounce pulled the lever. An alarm sounded, Bounce won the grand prize - 1,000 tickets!!!
Daddy said people gathered around in amazement at the mass of tickets spitting out of the game. At the end of the night, we had totaled about 1200 tickets. The kids were excited because they finally were able to pick out a prize "off the wall" instead of just the cheap ones in the case right in front.

Here's a link to a pic of the big win!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Happy Birthday Bounce!

Four years ago today it was election day and we were able to watch all the news as we held our new little baby "bounce" in our arms. He was a little baby (6lbs. 5oz.), but very happy. We had no idea how much personality our little boy would have. He is so much fun and has so much energy. He can talk your ears off and remember everything you said even when you think he's not listening.
We look forward to many more fun years with him. Here a short walk down memory lane.