Adoption day

Adoption day

Saturday, December 11, 2010


About 4 weeks ago we became officially licensed foster parents. We were just sure it wouldn't be long until we had a new child or children in our home to pour God's love on. Well we are still waiting.

Ps. 37:7 Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him; fret not....

Last night we were blessed again by the Christmas performance at our church. Kailee has been having so much fun and along with many, many others sacrificed a lot of time over the past few weeks to present "The Gift of Christmas" to thousands of people. At one point in the show, they is a video explaining how long the people were waiting on God to send His son. They waited for about 400 years. As I lay in bed this morning thinking, I thought about how our waiting process is just a small glimpse of waiting on God to send His child.
I can't make it happen; I must wait on God to move. The people of Israel probably thought they could make it happen, make a king for themselves, but only God would provide the true King of Kings.

Matthew 25:13 "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour."

The agency workers keep telling us (we get calls for possible placements and our home-study is submitted, but our family has not been chosen yet) that we just need to be ready. They could call us at anytime, so I always have my phone with me checking to make sure it's on and loud enough. That made me think of if I'm putting that much thought, time, and energy on being ready for God's Son who is coming again. I don't know when I'll hear God's call with the voice of the archangel, but I know it will sound much better than my chosen song/ringtone. It will be louder (although my own ring startles me often) and so much sweeter, beyond comparison.

Colossians 4:2, 5 "Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. Conduct yourselves wisely toward outsiders, making the best use of the time."

With each phone call I receive about a child needing a home, I am given background information on the situation, sometimes the name of the child. I am blessed that at least I can pray for these kids and their hurting (oh so much hurt) situations and families. I am thankful that I can lift them up to the Father of the Fatherless. Then I am thankful that there are moments like last night's show or the kids birthday parties when I didn't have to worry about new little ones to care for.
I also have to have the house ready. At any time, we could be chosen and then the flow of case workers, lawyers, and other representatives of multiple agencies will be coming through our door. Our house can no longer look like a typical Sunday night when everything is out of place and piled up. I have to be ready making the best use of my time. 5 minutes here sweeping is better than just putting my feet up to play Scrabble on my phone. 10 minutes putting the laundry away is better than checking Facebook for the upteenth time that day. I am enjoying a neat, tidy house. But am I applying the same fervor and energy to being ready for God's call. Am I doing all I can to be prepared for His return? I know I have failed on this part. I have not given the 10 minutes to invest in a relationship that would allow me to point my neighbors or family members to the Word who became flesh and is coming again.

Isaiah 40:28, 31 "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; His understanding is unsearchable...but they who WAIT FOR THE LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."

Friday, December 03, 2010

A Time for Everything - November

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die...." Ecclesiates 3:1-2

The month of November is always a special one for us because both kids celebrate their birthdays in November. This year their birthdays fell on extra special days, for Benjamin that was election day which was the also the special Tuesday he was born. Kailee's birthday was on Thanksgiving for the first time in her eight years of life. It was also the first time we had separate parties for them. Due to soccer and business of life, the parties were on back to back weekends. We had a lot of fun with our all -boy GI Joe party at the park and the all-girl spa sleepover. Here are some pictures of our fun.

The day after Benjamin's birthday, my dad called to say that my grandfather had passed away. He had been ill and through our sadness, we can rejoice that he is in heaven where there is no pain or sorrow. So the day after Benjamin's party the kids and I drove to Arizona for the funeral. Our trip was short as we had to a few days later so we could be home in time for Kailee's sleepover. The business of birthdays surrounding the funeral made me think of the verse above how God has made a time for everything. A time to celebrate the years we've been blessed with the precious lives of our kids and a time to mourn the passing of a dear grandfather. As we also reflect on all we are thankful for, I am most thankful for the blessing of knowing that in all seasons of life my God is in control and His love endures forever!!

Friday, November 05, 2010

September/October goings-on

Since I'm up (see previous post for explanation), I might as well update the blog. It's been over 2 months since I've posted anything. We've been busy with soccer and a new sport, flag football. We've continued on our journey of being licensed for foster care and most likely we will be official by my next post. We've been on some fun field trips with our "Polanco Homeschool." Here are some pictures we've taken this fall.

One field trip was to the Astronaut Training Center. The kids got to dress up in the heavy astronaut suits and pretend to walk on the moon. They had fun and I thought they made cute astronauts because it's all about how you look in the suit right?

Kailee was able to hold a large python at the Fort Worth Zoo much to her father's horror (he hates snakes!). Benjamin also enjoyed the climbing wall and made it to the top, but I only have a video and cannot for the life of me get those to post on here.

We were able to tour the state capitol and see Austin. It was neat for Ozzie to show us where he went to college and lived for several years. The kids were most amazed at the cool "desks" in the lecture halls and the lack of kids on campus. They kept asking if they were the only kids there. It proved to me that a college campus is kind of in a world all it's own. We also happened to wander into the English Dept. building (my major) which was very old and honestly ugly and unappealing, a regular boring college building. We later went to the Business Dept. building. There were leather couches, flat screens, cool electronics, lots of computers, etc. That is a microcosm of life. Business is where the money is. English not so much. I have to say though that English teachers helped those businesspeople get where they are today.

Kailee continued to improve on her soccer skills. She's fast and a great passer.

She also competed in her first triathlon. She did great and asks about when she can do this again. We were so proud of her especially for how well she did in the swimming which is not her area of strength.

Benjamin began his turn in the world that is known as Texas football (although his team was the Gators). He is super fast and scored a touchdown in each game. He says he enjoyed playing defense the most. It's funny to me how opposite they are with sports. She is very offensive-minded and he loves playing defense and each just comes naturally to them.

I even had time to squeeze in some time for my own athletic event. I finished my first half-marathon. We'll see how long it will be before I have time to run another.

4:45 AM

"The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy." John 10:10
This verse popped into my mind about two hours ago as I lie awake in bed. I think Satan is stealing my sleep. I only needed to make a middle of the night potty run. But as I walking half-asleep back to bed, I stepped wrong and my toe let me know it. This is the toe that has been hurting more on than off the last 6 weeks. The same toe that I broke 5 years ago. So then my brain has turned on as it evaluates the time passed, the pain, and whether or not I should see the doctor on top of my long to do list I have waiting for me today. Two hours later and I am still awake and now convinced that I have for the second night in a row been robbed of sleep.
Last night I was awake due to a throbbing cheekbone (Benjamin's head vs. my cheek during a race to give mommy a hug moment) and a loudly snoring husband. 9 hours of sleep isn't bad, but when those 9 hours are stretched over two nights, that's when I start to miss my lost time behind closed eyelids. I wish I could fall asleep quickly and be able to stay asleep, but that's not me.
One of Kailee's AWANA verses for this week was 2 Corinthians 12:9. God assures Paul (and me and you) that His grace is sufficient in our weakness. Being a light sleeper is my weakness and although I feel a lack of sleep headache coming on, His grace will be sufficient for me today.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fun in Arizona

This is the view as we drive from my parents' home in Sonoita, AZ into town (Tucson).

A month ago we visited my parents in Arizona (and I'm just now blogging about it :-0) We had a great time despite the storm early on in the trip. Here are a few highlights....

There is a theater in Tucson called the Gaslight Theater. They perform original comedies and the night we went we saw "Space Wars" which was a spoof of Star Wars. This was a lot of fun and we still quote lines from the play. Here is a picture of the kids w/ some of the actors dressed up as characters from Beauty and the Beast since they had a third act of the show that included different scenes from different children's stories.

Another fun thing we did was take a tour of an underground copper mine. The Queen Mine is located in Bisbee, AZ. Once you're dressed the part, there is a mine train that takes you into the middle of the mountain where there underground tunnels dug out to mine for copper. There are over 200 miles of tunnels in Bisbee.
This is a picture of the mountain in which the Queen Mine is inside.

This is our tour guide who used to work in this mine. He had a lot of interesting stories. Here he is showing how they would put sticks of dynamite into the rock to dig further on. If you're ever in Bisbee, I would highly recommend this tour. It doesn't hurt that its also 47 degrees in the mine year-round. I think that's a big selling point during the summer months.

This is a picture of an open-pit copper mine in Bisbee. When I was a kid, my dad worked in a mine like this before he entered college/seminary in good ol' Dallas.

We were blessed to visit with Grandpa and Grandma Larkin, my mom's parents, while we were in town. Grandpa looked really good and we thought it was funny that he was convinced that he knew Ozzie from some sports team they were on together. He told Ozzie "you had a lot of potential!" Grandma is still amazing and we enjoyed visiting with her. How many people can see they are Facebook Friends with their grandma - she's the greatest!

The kids had turns driving the riding mower. Kailee especially enjoyed her turn behind the wheel and found it more special when it dark enough to need the headlight.
Below are pictures of each of the kids driving the boat we rented at the lake. Let's just say this was definitely not a speed boat and rumor has it that it ate the dust of the paddle boat we also rented.

Ozzie and the kids had a blast in the water. They invented new ways of splashing each other such as the Texas Tornado and Hawaii Hurricane.

If you've already read my previous post, then you know that there was a huge hail storm on the second night we were there. Ozzie got a great shot of the lightning once the 45 minute barrage of hail was over.

The following are some pictures showing the effects of the storm. The one below is a before picture of my parents' garden. You can see it blooming in the background behind Benjamin.

Here is the garden after the storm. The other day when Benjamin was reading about the plague of hailstones, I had a new respect for the damage that hail can do especially to vegetation. There was really nothing left of their garden.

We're not sure why, but after the storm most of the fish/frogs/tadpoles in the pond died. We know that the pond became more of a rushing river the night of the storm, so we're not sure if something from upstream came in and killed everything or if it was just the power of the water upsetting the little ecosystem of the pond. Whatever the cause, we found this huge dead frog the first morning after the storm.

Below is what was left of the frog the next day after the vultures had their little snack. I think its neat that God thought of everything when He created animals and how these ugly birds are really a vital help to man since they dispose of carrion that would otherwise be a breeding ground for disease.

Below is a picture of "Turtle Mountain" (the little peak shaped like a turtle on the left side of the picture). Whenever the kids see Turtle Mountain, they know we are getting close to Nana's and Tata's house.

I guess there is treasure at the end of the rainbow: wonderful time with our family. Even our dog had fun!

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Blessings in Disguise

"See I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God." Deuteronomy 11:26-27

A 45 minute hail storm is more likely to make you think of a Biblical plague rather than a blessing from God, but God works for His good purpose for those who love Him in ALL things (Romans 8:28) even damaging hail storms.
We traveled to Arizona to visit my parents last month, August (boy am I far behind on blog updates). We had a great vacation which I will share in the next post, but this post is about the hail storm we experienced on Sunday evening, August 15th.
We could see the clouds coming in, but in a matter of moments the quiet skies were emptying themselves of hail in various sizes from dimes to golfballs. The size may not have been that remarkable, but the fact that the hail did not let up for at least 40 minutes is what was astonishing to us. It was so loud as it bounced off the metal roof on my parents' home. They have big windows which let you take in the beautiful surroundings of Sonoita, AZ, but these windows became targets for the hail stones.
As the storm moved in from the east, we stood at the west facing window to see the hail bounce off all 4 vehicles parked in front of the house, our minivan among them. As I stood staring at our van being pelted by chunks of ice, I wasn't worried about the van, but I did think that surely we would lose a window or two on it. Once the storm passed, I was surprised to find all windows on the vehicles were intact. The darkness, however, concealed the rest of the damage.
The next morning we were able to more closely inspect the dents on the vehicles. Our hood looked like it was covered with dimples along with the passenger side of the van, but overall we didn't think it was really that bad.
My brother works for an insurance company, so we gave him a call to get his advice on what to do next. He said it would be best if our van was paid off. Paying it off has been a goal we have been diligently working towards for months and we were so close to our goal and were going to meet it in two months.
Let me back track a moment to my last blog post in which I stated our goal was to be out of debt before we started fostering or the process of adopting. However, we felt God wanted us to go ahead and start on this journey as we continued to meet the debt-free goal. So when my brother mentioned having it paid off, Ozzie started doing the math with our pay-off amount and the money we had saved up in various emergency/Christmas accounts. Wouldn't you know that these amounts matched up almost exactly, so my wonderful, financially and technologically gifted husband transferred over all our funds to pay off the van, not knowing what to expect next.
Fast forward a couple weeks to when we have the lien released on the van, we called out the adjuster from our insurance company. Upon his arrival, he said it would just take about 10 minutes to inspect the van and give us the damage estimate. About 40 minutes later, he said that was one of the worst hail cases he had seen. He told me that in all likelihood our van was "totaled." I really was surprised to hear that, but had peace knowing we were prepared. Here is the good news part - after negotiating with the insurance company, we were blessed to receive a payout from them that is more than 3 times what we took out from all of our accounts. So we will now have a bigger emergency fund, we are out of debt, and we have some extra money for wiggle room to buy those things we'll need for having another little one in the house.
This long detailed story is really meant to share what an amazing thing that God has done. My life-verse is 2 Corinthians 2:9 which states that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him. My eyes and ears have never witnessed a storm like that night and mind never conceived that God could use that storm to bring such an unexpected blessing to us. I am excited to see what else He has prepared for us!

Friday, August 20, 2010

"But I'm comfortable"

Ozzie and I are about to enter a new season of life. We are being licensed to become foster/adoptive parents. We are excited to see what God is going to do, but also at the same time unsure of what is ahead of us. How did we get here?
We have always had a deep down desire to adopt, but left it at just that. I had always thought that we would adopt internationally, but Ozzie was open to adopting through the foster care system. I thought that was too risky because the kids might be taken away or it would have to be an open adoption where the birth families are involved. As time went by, God began to change my heart and I gave up those excuses. Ozzie then was waiting for the right time to start the process. You know just like before having kids you want to have all your financial ducks in a row. God also changed his heart so that even though our "ducks" weren't completely lined up, we needed to be obedient and take the step of faith of starting the process.
We anticipated the process of being licensed would take about a year, but so far it has gone faster and easier than we expected.
As things began to come together, my anxiety began to kick in. I began to wonder all the "what ifs" that might happen, all the practical "what ifs" of bringing a new child into our home. As I began to pray more and get to the bottom of my fears and excuses, it all boiled down to the reason that I kept repeating to myself, "But I'm comfortable"
It was as if God was asking me to open my home, my life, my family to minister to a child who needs a home, love, a family and my response was But I'M comfortable. What a pitiful excuse for not being obedient to my Savior who gave up His throne in heaven to live a life of serving and giving on earth and then give His life for me.
I know that we all will have to make sacrifices on this path, but as Romans 12:1 says we are living sacrifices. The remainder of the chapter spells out for me what this means: let love be genuine, love one another, show hospitality, contribute to the needs of others. I can't be comfortable and sacrifice at the same time. But I also have all His promise that His divine power will give me everything I need to do His will (2 Pe. 1:3). So is there any place more "comfortable" than being in the center of His will - absolutely not!

Monday, August 09, 2010

Summer of projects

This has been the summer for projects. A break from homeschool means I have more time to get some "stuff" done around the house. We've been busy both indoors and out. Here are the projects we have taken off our to-do list.
1) Painting exterior of our house - most of it is done in the front at least. Once the heat hit full steam, I chose to work on indoor projects. We painted our front door a dark brown color and we have been pleased with how that turned out.

2.) Scraping popcorn ceiling in family room - We spent Memorial Day weekend on a project that has been at the top of our list for quite a while. We scraped the ugly "popcorn" texture off the ceiling in our high-ceiling family room. We then painted and learned an important lesson that caulking before painting is not necessary, nor should it be rushed. At least we were done by Memorial Day, so we could go swimming with the kids.

3.) Glazing kitchen walls- I have never really liked the color of the walls in the kitchen. They were a little too yellowy for the texture of the walls. I had this perfect glaze left over from the countertops/hutch, so I thought I would try it in the kitchen. I was very pleased with how it turned out and it cost me nothing and only took a couple hours.

4.) Laundry room - Our old laundry room was boring. I have to walk through it all the time to go between kitchen/school room (computer) not counting the hours of laundry. It was plain white with dinged molding, very yucky and sterile. I wanted a laundry room with personality, something that inspired me to be better about laundry (hopefully :-)). I serarched the internet and found some inspiration - with inspiration.
These are "sheets" with verses hanging on a clothesline. My painted version is no where as professional as my inspiration room, but at least it gets the same idea across. I also painted a message center on the main wall. It is a magnetic chalkboard which will hopefully help keep us organized. I took down the old paper measuring "sticks" and put up real wood ones. Lots of paint was involved in this little room, but I am pleased with the outcome.

5.) Garage shelves- Not a smart time to take on a garage project, but we took it on anyways and now have an organized garage. It's nice to have organization greeting us when we come home. This was also a fun wood-working project for Ozzie and I. Which encouraged us to take on the next, prettier one.

6.) Ketchup's loft bed - We wanted to have an extra bed in Kailee's room and she picked a loft bed from my new favorite website
It took a week and it is really sturdy. Not bad for only $115 on supplies (not including mattress). The hard part was having to rearrange the whole room after the ladder was too close to the ceiling fan. Here is the pretty new loft bed with a reading area below. When it was finished, Kailee made sure that Benjamin knew that when she was at her desk that she was having her "quiet time" and he should leave her alone.

So why all the rush to finish'll have to find out in the next post.