Adoption day

Adoption day

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Next Lesson

Last week we said goodbye to our latest placement. She was a little baby who was fun to hold and a blessing to care for. We had more of a heads up as to her leaving, so that made it a little easier. God, however, was good to me again in giving me His word to sustain me in times of questioning the decision of the powers that be in the CPS system. When I would question her safety in giving her back, God comforted me with the thought of Moses' mother who had to trust her child to Pharoah. Pharoah was an Egyptian; they were considered the enemy. I'm sure she had seen the abuse her people suffered at the hand of the Egyptians, yet she obeyed God and trusted Him with her son. How could I then not trust God with this tiny baby that I had known only for a short while. I am grateful for God's comfort and assurance speaking right to my exact need.