Adoption day

Adoption day

Monday, January 19, 2009

Different worlds

I've been meaning to share a funny conversation we had with Ozzie's nephews during our Christmas vacation. We were eating ice cream with them and one of them (ages 7 and 9) told us that they had made up rapper names for themselves. I think they were something like "Funny Bonez" and "Gangsta Boy." We continued talking about rapper names and their bling for several minutes. Bounce then finished off the conversation by telling us why he liked rappers so much, "because they have candy in them."

Monday, January 12, 2009

Is it mean???

Bounce used to have a horn on his bike. He thought he had lost it, but found it in the backyard yesterday. If you were to ask him about it, he would probably looked at you with a puzzled look on his face. That is because he doesn't call it a horn; he calls it a "honk."
Ozzie and I think it's so cute and funny at the same time that he calls it a honk that we find ways of getting him to say "honk" again. Bounce has yet to catch on and we might be mean parents for not correcting him. Someday we will I guess, but if he's 18 and driving and says he had to use his honk in traffic, you'll know what he means.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Christmas Conversations

I was reminded that I'm way past due for a post so this is for you Cara.

We spent Christmas at Ozzie's parents house this year. We arrived on Christmas Eve around dinner time. We had only been in the house about 2 minutes (I'm not exaggerating either) and Bounce asked "Where is the chimney?" I said they didn't have one, not understanding where this was going. He wanted to know how Santa was going to get into the house without a chimney. I assured him that lots of houses don't have chimneys and Santa can also come through the front door. There must have been doubts swirling in their heads because after they had opened their gifts both Bounce and Ketchup continued to state their amazement that Santa actually "got their lists."
A few days later I was privileged to be sitting in the van and waiting for Ozzie and his parents and overhear the kids conversation about Christmas. It went something like this.

The kids were quoting from a Veggietale movie about a kid wanting lots of toys like Billy and Ketchup went on to explain to her brother that the true meaning of Christmas is Jesus.
Ketchup: Christmas is not about presents or candy or lights.
Bounce: Yeah, its not about toys. Its about Jesus Christ.
Ketchup: No, it's about Jesus' birth. You say Jesus Christ at Easter.
Bounce: Oh, okay it's about Jesus' birth.
Ketchup: But remember to say Jesus Christ at Easter. You can say it then.
Bounce: (shouting at the top of his lungs) Jesus Christ is Lord!

Sometimes waiting is such a blessing!!
Here are a few pics from Christmas

I love their excited reactions in these first 2 pictures.
This is Bounce wondering how he actually got this gift because he asked Santa for it. But I had told him I didn't think Santa would get it because it said ages 8 and up. So Bounce said after opening it that "Santa got me what I wanted even though it was too big for me."This is a picture of our complete Jesse Tree (a great type of Advent "calendar" that traces God's plan throughout the Bible leading up to Christ's birth). This was a new tradition for us that we all really enjoyed and learned a lot from. A great picture of the kids and Ozzie's parents.(for those who noticed (i.e. Ozzie) the above descriptions aren't really links, I just can't figure out how to change it and I'm ready to go to bed.)