Adoption day

Adoption day

Monday, September 24, 2007


Bounce has been doing great at going potty and staying dry this past week. Then this morning he wet his underwear, but he assured me it was OK because as he said "I tell God and he forgive me."

Ketchup scored her first goal this last Saturday. She was so excited, but probably not as much as Mommy and Daddy. Her team lost (we stopped keeping score), but they all seemed to do better as a team.

Daddy is almost finished with the tile!! One day he'll come home and there won't be a project looming over his head. Wait a minute- maybe not -he's married to me.

Mommy has time to blog today, so that is a good thing. Homeschool went well. Ketchup enjoyed her reading more and was even able to spell CAT when I asked her this afternoon. On to dinner now!

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