Adoption day

Adoption day

Monday, August 09, 2010

Summer camps

Kailee and Benjamin were allowed to pick one summer camp to participate in this summer. Benjamin chose Superhero Camp and Kailee chose Creative Arts Camp.

Superhero Camp came first and Benjamin had a lot of fun as they learned about staying fit and healthy. His favorite part was the "fun bus" which was a gymnastics class in a green polka-dot school bus. The last day they could dress up like a superhero and then they performed a couple songs they learned for all the parents. I had wanted him to wear his Ironman costume (which is red), but he opted for Wolverine instead. It's a good think because he would have been really hard to find in the middle of all those red t-shirts if he wasn't wearing the bright yellow Wolverine get-up.

Kailee had auditioned for a role in the musical they were doing for creative arts camp, "Music Man Jr." She was able to be an Iowa townsperson, performing in the song "Iowa Stubborn." This was our first experience with CAC and I am so impressed with all the talent these kids have and what they were able to do in just 2 weeks, which is amount of time they practiced and presented in.

Here is a picture of her on "Wacky Wednesday" when she could dress up wacky and crazy. She went into her closet the night before and came out 5 minutes later dressed like this. Reminded me of a hot pink 80's version of Madonna.

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