Adoption day

Adoption day

Friday, August 20, 2010

"But I'm comfortable"

Ozzie and I are about to enter a new season of life. We are being licensed to become foster/adoptive parents. We are excited to see what God is going to do, but also at the same time unsure of what is ahead of us. How did we get here?
We have always had a deep down desire to adopt, but left it at just that. I had always thought that we would adopt internationally, but Ozzie was open to adopting through the foster care system. I thought that was too risky because the kids might be taken away or it would have to be an open adoption where the birth families are involved. As time went by, God began to change my heart and I gave up those excuses. Ozzie then was waiting for the right time to start the process. You know just like before having kids you want to have all your financial ducks in a row. God also changed his heart so that even though our "ducks" weren't completely lined up, we needed to be obedient and take the step of faith of starting the process.
We anticipated the process of being licensed would take about a year, but so far it has gone faster and easier than we expected.
As things began to come together, my anxiety began to kick in. I began to wonder all the "what ifs" that might happen, all the practical "what ifs" of bringing a new child into our home. As I began to pray more and get to the bottom of my fears and excuses, it all boiled down to the reason that I kept repeating to myself, "But I'm comfortable"
It was as if God was asking me to open my home, my life, my family to minister to a child who needs a home, love, a family and my response was But I'M comfortable. What a pitiful excuse for not being obedient to my Savior who gave up His throne in heaven to live a life of serving and giving on earth and then give His life for me.
I know that we all will have to make sacrifices on this path, but as Romans 12:1 says we are living sacrifices. The remainder of the chapter spells out for me what this means: let love be genuine, love one another, show hospitality, contribute to the needs of others. I can't be comfortable and sacrifice at the same time. But I also have all His promise that His divine power will give me everything I need to do His will (2 Pe. 1:3). So is there any place more "comfortable" than being in the center of His will - absolutely not!

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