Adoption day

Adoption day

Thursday, December 03, 2009

October Pics

Bounce showing off his muscles. He is convinced by a smart Tata (grandpa) that with each green bean that he eats, his muscles grow automatically!
This was a lego house built to celebrate our study of the poem "The Little House." This is Ketchup's house.
Our homeschool group had a historical figure day. Ketchup and Bounce acted out a play about Christopher Columbus. Ketchup was the Queen of Spain who sent Columbus out on his voyages. I attempted to record their play, but you can't hear anything they say, so I'll spare you those eight minutes of your day.
A homeschool fun field trip day allowed the kids to roller skate for the first time. We were all exhausted after an hour and a half. Maybe when we're feeling up to it, we'll try again. They did very well and were able to go around the rink without falling by the end.

We ended the month at our church's Fall Festival. Our Ladybug and Wolverine had fun and we're still enjoying their candy!!

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