Adoption day

Adoption day

Friday, April 01, 2011

Keeper of Comings and Goings

I know it has been a while hasn't it. Well, since I last blogged, we have had another foster placement. We were blessed with a sweet little boy who was a lot of fun and we became attached to pretty quickly. We were told that this would be a longer term placement, so we moved forward with that mindset. However, our plans and even CPS' original plans are not in control. After one month, we were surprised to find out we had one more month with him, but then the next day, he was gone.
We were sad and surprised, but trust in God's plan not only for us, but also for this little one. The day we learned that we were not chosen as his permanent home, I made myself sit down and do my Bible study. That day the passage was Psalm 121. It was verse 8 that God used to encourage me, "The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore." God is the Keeper of not only my coming and going, but each child that is placed with us; we just need to trust His keeping!

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