Adoption day

Adoption day

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Even the little things

Today I was reading from 2 Kings 6:1-7. In this passage, we see that God worked a miracle to retrieve a borrowed ax head for one of His prophets. The commentary I was reading by Dale Ralph Davis pointed out that this is a great example of how God is also involved in and controls the seemingly little details in our lives. I already knew this, but He reminded me of that again this evening.
Ketchup will be auditioning this week for a role in the summer children's musical at church. The musical is "The Music Man" and today we've been practicing a part of the song she needs to sing in the audition. The song is "Wells Fargo Wagon." After several more practice runs, I turned off her CD and turned on the TV. Guess what was on - that's right - "The Music Man." We were watching for about 5 minutes before the Wells Fargo Wagon song started. She was so excited to see it and the whole idea of the song/musical make much more sense to her.
God is concerned in every aspect of our lives, even musicals!

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