Adoption day

Adoption day

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Another reason why we homeschool....

Some days school does not go so well and they may not learn as much as I like, but the time that Ketchup and Bounce spend together is a blessing. I have been told on multiple occasions how well they play together. Right now they are sitting together on the same chair watching Veggietales. This is a good moment. They do have their moments of fighting and selfishness (like their mommy sad to say), but overall, they love each other and get along great. In fact, the other day Bounce gave his big sister a big hug and told her "You're my best friend."
I know this will probably not last forever, but for now I will enjoy these sweet moments. We are studying family and Thanksgiving this week and next and I am blessed to have such a wonderful family and sweet children who love each other so much.

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